Maidenhead Converter

How do I enter coordinates?

The main screen has a bar near the top showing Latitude, Longitude, and Maidenhead coordinates in blue, underlined text. Tapping that text will cause keypads to appear, from which you may enter coordinates.

How do I track my current location?

Tap the arrow button in the lower-left corner of the main screen. The first time you tap the button, iOS will ask you to grant Maidenhead Converter permission to see your location.

Maidenhead Converter will continue tracking your location until you press the arrow button again.

I denied the app permission to track my location ...

If you didn't mean to deny the app permission to track your location, you must go into the Settings app on your device to enable it.

From the Settings app, choose Privacy, then choose Location Services, then choose Maidenhead Converter. From that screen you can control Maidenhead Converter's access to your location.

How can I view the coordinates of a point on the map?

Press and hold on the map over the desired location. The map pin will drop at that point, and the coordinate values will update.

How do I change the coordinate value formats?

Tap the gear icon in the top-left corner of the main screen. This will take you to Maidenhead Converter's settings. From there you can customize the format for Maidenhead and Latitude/Longitude coordinates.

What if I have more questions?

I can be reached via Twitter.

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